Hair Care, Skin Care and Beauty Care...
Alcohol-based sanitizer a 99.9% instant germ Killer
Alcohol-based sanitizer a 99.9% instant germ Killer
Alcohol-based sanitizer a 99.9% instant germ Killer
3 in 1
1 Litre
1 Litre
3 in1
Made of Natural Oils and Cocoa Extracts
250ml / 8.45oz
Helps smoothen rough and dry skin
We aim to meet the various needs of the consumer everyday by creating and marketing beauty care and homecare products.
3 in1
Made of Natural Oils and Cocoa Extracts
250ml / 8.45oz
Helps smoothen rough and dry skin
To create and offer solutions to our customers, optimise human potential and give shareholders value in a responsible way.
We will achieve this by;
·Continuously building the capacity of our employees
·Partnering and investing in research works to keep innovation as our hallmark in response to our customers’ changing needs
·Investing in all people in our value chain
·Improving our productivity by adapting best processes and practises
·Operating in a socially responsible way